Friday, January 13, 2012

Well.. it's exactly 10:45 pm and I am absolutely bored out of my mind. I guess if I had more followers, I might be less bored because I might get a comment or two.. but.. I don't have any followers yet, due to this being only the second day of having and contributing to this blog. Depressing to think about the fact that no one really cares about what I think or what I have to say. Which, I don't see how people wouldn't care what I have to say.. I mean.. I'm a very interesting person. I think if I get more followers, I would get comments and maybe not be so bored right now.. hmm what to talk about.. Penguins? Yes. Penguins. Penguins are a cute little flightless (I think?) bird and they are just adorable. I mean really! You look at a picture and you see a bunch of cute little penguins and you just have to say "awwwwww". Am I right? No? It's just me? Wow.. well then.. puppies? Yea puppies! Everyone loves puppies! I think.. well I like puppies so it's all good. Puppies are just so cute and small and cuddly and such. What about cheese? Cheese is this like.. substance that is like.. yellow sometimes and also sometimes people let it rot.. so that it tastes good. How is moldy cheese supposed to taste good? Which brings me to the subject of blue cheese. Isn't blue cheese just moldy cheese? Really I mean why would anyone want to eat moldy cheese? How is that good? I'll tell you what't good! Brownies are good. I made some brownies last night. I just randomly thought that I might want some brownies so I made some. So I had like a whole pan of brownies today, until my brother and my friends decided to eat them all.. so.. yea. Well by this time you are probably thinking that I am a very random person and might need to be checked out for ADHD or something of the sort. I don't have ADHD however, and I also don't do drugs. Well, I do sometimes smoke a little but not anything that would make me this hyper. It's just my personality. I guess I just have a little thing in my brain that jumps around to things that make no sense and then I created this blog so that I would have some place to put all of my random thoughts. Do my random thoughts interest you? I hope they do, they interest me when I read them after I post them, I think to myself and ask myself what the hell I was thinking and then I realize that I have no idea what I was thinking I was just putting random thoughts down... hmmm.. I think I ran out of random thoughts for the moment.. well.. hope you enjoyed my little mini mind flip out(: I have them often so check back and I might add some more! (:

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