Friday, January 20, 2012

Today I will be discussing this new online thing that has everyone just about fed up. SOPA: Stop Online Piracy Act. The government has decided that they want to stop our internet freedom and make it impossible for us to enjoy our favorite social networking sites. How do they advertise this? By posting on their social networking sites. I just want to share my views on this ridiculous online thing. SOPA is stupid. Why would you stop websites that help people? Why would you stop any websites? We have freedom and rights, don't you think that this is violating it? Freedom of speech alternately means freedom of text. We should be able to post whatever we want on any website we want. You are able to post on the Facebook page of the founder of this SOPA thing. Rep. Lamar Smith, a Texas politician who;s been known mostly for his anti-immigrant stances in the recent years does indeed have a Facebook and you can indeed post an Anti-SOPA post if you care so to do. Know that it will most likely be deleted but if you would like to make a small stand against this piracy act, than feel free. So why are they doing it? Supporters of the bill claim that it will help copyright holders (think big record labels) protect their content. Rep. Smith has criticized the bill's opponents and explained that SOPA would only target foreign websites that but American businesses at risk. After reading this blog, you are probably pretty steamed about this stupid act. Who else is on your side? Basically, every website that you visit regularly. Most notably, Wikipedia, Craiglist, and Reddit, along with thousands of other websites, have chosen to go dark in oppistion to the bill and to help educate users about its potential impact. But the list doesn't stop there: Google, Yahoo, Youtube, and Twitter have also publicly opposed the bill. The White House has also announced that should the bill reach President Obama's desk, he will veto I give credit to some of the things in this post to information that I have found on If you want to read more, visit said website or contact me with questions you would like answered. You can post a comment or you can email me at